Learning Spanish grammar, Test your Grammar skill
Spanish Grammar and Test proWhen most people think of "grammar" they dont get very excited. But grammar can teach you something in minutes that might take days to figure out by immersion alone.Grammar is your friend!We believe in grammar, and we include it in our method. But lets be honest. Studying Spanish grammar will not make you fluent. To reach a conversational level you need a complete course like Camino del éxito.These days, it is popular in some circles to claim that there is no need to learn grammar. The thinking goes something like this:I didnt learn grammar as a child, and yet I still learned to speak. Therefore, I do not need to study grammar as an adult.This sort of thinking ignores the fact that as an adult you have a higher mental capacity, and learning some grammar is easy and will be a big help to you.Grammar is not the goal.For most people, the goal is not to become a grammar expert—the goal is to be able to speak Spanish conversationally. To do that, you need a complete conversation course.Camino del éxito is the only course that is fully integrated with the material on this website. By combining Spanish grammar exercises with real conversational practice, you will much more quickly reach a level where you can communicate effectively.And for most people, communication is the primary goal.There are grammar topics below in app:+ Gender of Nouns I+ Gender of Nouns II+ Cardinal Numbers+ Plural Forms of Nouns+ Definite and Indefinite Articles+ The Verb Form - hay+ Subject Pronouns+ Regular Verbs. Part I+ Regular Verbs. Part II+ Regular Verbs. Part III+ Adjectives I+ Adjectives II+ Days of the Week+ Numbers 11 - 30+ Ser and Estar I+ Ser and Estar II+ Ser and Estar III+ Ser and Estar IV+ Negation+ Questions+ Possessive Adjectives+ Irregular Verbs - Tener and Venir+ Tener que - Hay que+ Idiomatic Expressions with tener+ Weather Expressions+ The Personal - a+ Contractions+ Stem-Changing Verbs o ue+ Stem-Changing Verbs e ie+ Stem-changing verbs e i+ Irregular Verbs - Estar, Ir, Dar+ Ir a + infinitive+ Acabar de+ Volver a+ Ordinal Numbers+ Months, Seasons, and Dates+ Comparisons of Inequality+ Comparisons of Equality+ Superlatives+ Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions+ Dir. Object Pronouns I+ Dir. Object Pronouns II+ Dir. Object Pronouns III+ Ind. Object Pronouns I+ Ind. Object Pronouns II+ Ind. Object Pronouns III+ Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Used Together+ Verbs Like Gustar+ Present Progressive+ Verbs with Irregular First Persons+ Saber vs Conocer - Pedir vs Preguntar+ Cardinal Numbers 31-1000+ Telling Time+ Por and Para+ Irreg. Comparatives+ Demonstratives+ Time Expressions With Hacer+ Possessive Pronouns+ Reflexive Verbs I+ Reflexive Verbs II+ Definite Article II+ Pret. vs Imp. I+ Preterite I+ Imperfect I+ Preterite II+ Imperfect II+ Pret. vs Imp. II+ Preterite III+ Imperfect III+ Preterite IV+ Preterite V+ Preterite VI+ Pret. vs Imp. III+ Pret. vs Imp. Review+ (Hace ...) to mean (ago)+ Formation of Adverbs+ Subjunctive+ Rel. Pronouns - que+ Rel. Pronouns - quien+ Rel. Pronouns - el que and lo que+ Rel. Adjective - cuyo+ Rel. Pronouns and Adjectives - Review+ Formal Commands+ Inform. Commands - tú+ Using Object Pronouns with Commands+ Commands Review I+ Informal Commands - vosotros+ 1st Person Commands - nosotros+ Indirect Commands+ Commands Review II+ Future Tense+ Past Participle+ Present Perfect+ Past Perfect+ Future Perfect+ The Conditional TenseTest Spanish Grammar
All your Spanish grammar points neatly divided into easy chunks. If only it would add some navigation for next and previous lesson and remove the magnifying zoom glass.
I like it but the zoom button is a bit annoying. It's obscuring some of the words at times.
It is a handy app for learning Spanish
Thank you for this!
DISGRACE!!! YOU DIDN'T UPDATE SINCE 2016!!! I DID WRITE YOU AN EMAIL, BUT NO REPLY. DEVICE WARNS THAT YOU SHOULD UPDATE, BECAUSE TOO OLD FOR UPDATED SMARTPHONES, I QUIT 🤬!!! Grammar test gives nothing!!!😡 At the bottom right corner, I push on check and get a notification that I first must answer all questions. I can't answer invisible questions!! So I suppose it's a bug that need to be repaired by you, developer. (Device: Samsung Galaxy S9).
Can not see any grammar exercises, only the explanation of grammar, that's it
Tests don't work, such a shame!
The content is good. It improves my Spanish grammar. Also, the test is good as it provides result of test including correction. So we know our weakness or the mistakes made. The cost of the Pro App is very very reasonable. I love this app. Muchas Gracias
Very helpful with my college Spanish classes
paid for go pro but grammar test doesnt work